Tao of Life-New: The Fractal Gift (God's TOE) (Volume 3) By Katya Walter PhD

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Tao of Life-New: The Fractal Gift (God's TOE) (Volume 3)
 By Katya Walter PhD

Tao of Life-New: The Fractal Gift (God's TOE) (Volume 3) By Katya Walter PhD

Tao of Life-New: The Fractal Gift (God's TOE) (Volume 3)
 By Katya Walter PhD

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Tao of Life-New: The Fractal Gift (God's TOE) (Volume 3)
 By Katya Walter PhD

  • Sales Rank: #4385186 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-09-01
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .41" w x 6.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 178 pages

I think Katya Walter is a genius...she can translate her right brain insights into left brain analysis, correlations, and explanations...to outline a unifying theory of everything. Like any genius, she is unconventional and eccentric...careful reading reveals an extremely logical and intelligent woman who asks the right questions. She...may go a lot farther than most people are comfortable with...by the colossal nature of what she's attempting to cover...dreams...phenomenona...physics. It takes getting used to, I admit. Yes, it's weird. But worth it.
Erin Rose

From the Author
When I first began writing notes on what would slowly become this series of books, I went to sleep one night asking for a dream to show me how to set up the writing structure to give a suitable view of the material. That night my dream showed me...

I'm in a broad and beautiful land among many trees. It is night. In the center of the forest, I look up at a huge old tree that is dark against the starry sky in its detail of twig and branch. There is room enough here for all of us, I realize, here in this big, intricately textured park. But I see that some want to cut down the trees and level it all out, so that huge throngs of people can gather to gaze up at the sun's glare. I watch dark twigs fingering the remote stars. A voice speaks: "Don't turn this into a Copernicus Garden."

I will not level out this series of books to render it into a formal scientific layout, nor will I cut down the huge, old p-tree of life at the center. I will not forget that many stars await us beyond this sun.

This book is a dialogue between you and me, a conversation as we stroll in the moonlit fractal garden where twigs finger the stars. Here delights nest in scaling patterns that have a self-similar, but never quite repeating beauty. We contemplate webby connections of thought that merge into patterned insight. And no matter how huge, this garden stays human-sized because we have a place in it, you and I.

In this fractal garden, there is room enough for bright dreams and dark doubts, for quick discoveries and slow evolution. There is room to grow...so we needn't be perfect or failing that, be cast out. Perfection is end-stopped, but this fractal garden allows change. Its majesty stretches beyond our human ken into darkness, yet it willingly shares as much as we can bear to see.

Here is what we will see in this book: astonishing parallels in the genetic code and the ancient I Ching point to a master code. We perceive it in their parallel structures, dynamics, fractal patterns, even in their directives. How can that be?

To understand the I Ching better, in 1990 I lived in China for a year and studied the I Ching with scholar Zhang Luanling. There I also had many informative discussions with scholar Tan Shi-lin. Meanwhile, I explored the puzzle of how the modern genetic code shows so many parallels to the ancient I Ching in a voluminous, proliferating manuscript that gradually turned into this series

The genetic code and I Ching seem so very different. One is physical; the other is metaphysical. One is new knowledge, the other is very old. DNA codes for organic matter that builds our bodies...indeed, all life on this planet. But the I Ching claims to show the way of the Tao, universal mind. They are two separate concepts explored by two different cultures so far apart in space and time, two unrelated canons for organic matter and abstract mind, so how can these two systems somehow echo each other in both their math and meaning? 

Here is the answer. Both the genetic code and the I Ching are based on the same fractal math. I realized they overlay into variants of the same paradigm. I began to wonder, "How much deeper into nature can I chase this fractal code? How far below organic chemistry does it extend? Into inorganic chemistry? Into physics?"

Eventually I learned how to dive deep into the structure of nature while awake. I'd already done it asleep in that great dream in 1985 where God took me back to this universe's beginning and even beyond, as told in Volume 1, Double Bubble Universe. Throughout this series, pattern by pattern, I want to show you how the master source code generated the stunning universal structure that I first saw in the God dream...a panorama so beautiful that I've been exploring it ever since.

It took me about five years to learn how to go there with the waking mind. Some would call it remote viewing or extra-sensory perception. I just call it deep-see diving. By now, I've spent many years diving repeatedly into what Jung called the collective unconscious mind, what I call the universal mind in the universal body. After all, deep-see diving necessarily invokes questions of connection to something greater than ourselves. It means juggling physics and metaphysics continually. What are we in the bigger picture? Anything?

I began finding a way to describe how this universe emerges from a hidden master code. Clues appear in DNA. Its four building blocks called nucleotides construct our living bodies. But clues also appear in our universe, whose four great building blocks called space, time, matter, and energy construct the universal organism that we inhabit.

I was thrilled to watch the secret master code sort the four primals of space, time, matter, energy into a fractal structure that turns our universe into a Lorenz attractor-like Double Bubble, huge and alive. Its great body holds a supreme mind that is evident in math and meaning, in physics and metaphysics. Its life is perpetually emergent, ever-evolving.

Weird stuff, I admit. Weirder still, I found that this master code can even be notated in the elegant shorthand of the ancient I Ching. China long ago found this code using metaphysical insight. They called it the way of the Tao...and Chinese legend hints that perhaps it even emerged from the "dragon-horse" spaceship of an alien race. Breakthroughs in modern science are now slowly rediscovering that same fundamental code, but piecemeal in math, labs, and various theories. 

I hope this exploration takes you somewhere new. I hope it opens a door into something higher and wider and deeper than you expected--even shocking and awesome in a silent truth deeper than words. I hope that for you, too, the beauty of this landscape resonates in your bones and pulses in your blood, that it shines in your mind with numinous prospects widening beyond the horizon of imagination.

From the Back Cover
This is Volume 3 of the new Third Edition in the sensational Double Bubble TOE series. Western science explores cosmology. Ancient China's I Ching follows the Tao. They merge in a master code that builds our Double Bubble universe, both its universal body and the unified mind that we call "nature" or "the collective unconscious."
   In this volume, Dr. Walter "describes how the DNA spiral of our linear- minded Western science relates to the analog-style thinking of the ancient
I Ching. She shows that the genetic code and I Ching function through the same chaos patterns, and that the physical system of DNA can be translated mathematically into the psychic system of the I Ching."
  Claus Claussen, in Neues Denken und Handeln, Germany

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Tao of Life-New: The Fractal Gift (God's TOE) (Volume 3) By Katya Walter PhD PDF
Tao of Life-New: The Fractal Gift (God's TOE) (Volume 3) By Katya Walter PhD PDF

Tao of Life-New: The Fractal Gift (God's TOE) (Volume 3) By Katya Walter PhD
